Originally Posted by Menoman
My point is, I don't have to get inside an orange to know its orange inside.
Take two guys, one who is a decent looking, fairly nice guy, makes a good enough living that he can afford necessities and go out a few times a month.
The other guy, is not very good looking, a bit unkempt, smells a little bit, and is fucking loaded.
Being honest, we all know 9 out of 10 women will go for that rich bastard. Do you disagree? I will be very suprised if you do. That seems such a basic thing.
Well I can't say globally but I can tell you it wouldn't be 9 out of 10 women I know.
I also know a good number of well off guys who don't have anything special for a wife.
It's a pity we don't have a Mens Forum (I'd call it Urinal Cakes) so we could have this thread without female interferance. I believe it would have ended up much differently without women here who obviously take offense to the entire theory. (Just to keep the truth hidden lol just kidding:P )
Heh well I think the theory is pretty lacking and I can't say any womans opinion would affect how I post, after all I'm not looking to get laid here
The theory contains some truth, but is pretty well useless to either sex.