Originally Posted by willravel
They are run privately.
But where does there money come from? hence the reason I said those run by or paid by the gov.
Originally Posted by willravel
I don't want to be mean, but that's the worst argument I've ever read.
yet, so very true. What you are wanting to do with universal health care is remove health care completely from a free market environment, placing it in the hands of a government agency for the sole purpose of regulating prices, which will regulate treatment, which will stifle new discoveries in medicine, which will drive med professionals who WANT to make money, out of the trade, thereby regulating the health industry in to a slow agonizing death.
Originally Posted by willravel
They were 7 or 8 years ago. Not so much now, compared to $500 billion for a war. Sorry to have to break it to you. The Republicans are the spenders now.
schumer, kennedy, biden, clinton, and pelosi/feinstein have never met a spending bill they didn't like, unless it was thought up by republicans. THEN the only reason they opposed it was they wouldn't get credit for it.