"The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See" is what it is titled, although I wish it was called something else. Its 9 and a half minutes, but I don't regret taking the time to watch it.
Basically a video of some guy that discusses Climate Change and basic options that we, as a global society have. He presents a very simple matrix of future possibilities and a compelling argument that we need to spend money to take action. He also asks for people to refute the logic he uses.
I can't refute it, but I'm coming from a perspective that I already agreed with him.
A basic presumption is that we can actually do something, if we invest enough money. I personally suspect that reducing greenhouse gasses is a critical step. I think greater efficiency of energy use is a critical step as well. Honestly, my question, assuming you buy the logic in the video, is what areas do the costs need to be incurred?