I don't really understand how trying to stop people from smoking is such a horrible thing. Smoking is a form of suicide and it's addictive. People who smoke should have to pay more. People who refuse to exercise should pay more. People who eat at McDonald's every day should pay more. That hardly negates the whole thing, though.
It's not bad to try and pursuade someone from smoking, but if someone wants to that's their choice and who are you to outlaw it. I guess won't be able to drive my motorcyle either since they are more dangerous than cars. I do a high risk job, should I pay more too? Seriously, that slope never ends.
I must have missed my admission about how it's a failed program. We pay more in private healthcare than any country pays in socialized or partially socialized medicine, and we still have 45,000,000 people who aren't even covered. Imagine how much more we'd pay if those 45m could afford it. Even if we had the same tax level for everyone, be they healthy or not, we'd all be paying a lot less. Insurance and malpractice are extremely high drains on the whole process. Without them, and without the drive for profit and to appease investors, the system becomes substantially cheaper.
So...I can't sue for malpractice when the doctor screws me up with a system I didn't even want in the first place. That's outstanding. Don't you believe in redress of grievances?
It's not a 'decision' not to have health coverage. It's just ignorance. It amazes me that people discuss healthcare as being a decision to make, as if your deciding on what color of car you want. Without healthcare, you're in deep shit. Something "as critical as [your] health" should be important enough for you to be covered. That's the whole idea.
It is a decision, not everyone feels the way you do. This nationalized healthcare garbage is just like Roman Catholic church of years ago. Everyone must follow the king's religion, no freedom.
The other huge problem that we aren't even talking about is how bad the actual 'care' is. The FDA allows horrible things to pass (GMOs, pesticides, fertalizers, antibiotics, growth hormones all in the food supply that makes us sick so we can buy their cool new pill) while trying to ban natural cures. This is the system you are supporting and now you want to force me to participate. It's bad.
Military is in the process of being privatized. Private contracts, mercenaries on the ground, and bought and paid for politicians. Socialized medicine flies in the face of that trend. Socialization is about moving the control from the hands of the proven irresponsible corporations and private interests.
Yes, the same politians who are bought and paid for by the mercs are likewise bought and paid for by pharma. They surely will save us all with their healthcare. I expect great things.
It doesn't yet, but it would under socialization. My point is that I don't see anyone complaining about the government controling things like roads and police. I don't see anyone calling for privatized police (imagine paying $200 a month in case you need to call the police and if you don't pay... no one will protect you) or privatized roads (don't pay your transportation insurance? Good luck getting to work...)
hmm...$200 a month for police? I think ill pocket that cash and just keep my revolver handy. Come to think of it, if I never had to deal with harrasment from a police officer while I was minding my own business that would be fine too.