Originally Posted by Menoman
are you fucking kidding me? seriously THAT is your rebuttal? Do I have to look into their souls to know that the majority of them like to fuck too?
No, that was just an observation meant to help you see the ludicridity (i just coined that word) of your position.
As far as rebuttals go, since the process of rebutting generally involves some sort of refutation of evidence, it's difficult to rebut something when you've offered absolutely zero objective evidence to back it up. The fact that you think you can make claims about the nature of the majority of women, i think, actually points to the fact that you don't really know all that much about them- at least not enough to know how much you don't know. So your assertion that you understand the motivations of a majority of women can't be refuted, because there's nothing to refute- it's a matter of opinion that you're trying to pass of as some sort of objective reality, like "Red is the best color."
But fuck it, i'll try anyway. I do realize that there are women who just want men with money, but, the fact that everyday, millions, poor men hook-up would seem to fly in the face of your assertion that the majority of women want men with money so much so that poor men need a special "theory" to help them get laid. In fact, poor men have been getting laid since long before there was a website devoted to telling the hapless of them that its not their fault.
None of the women i've been with were interested in my money- because i don't fucking have any. I would be willing to wager large sums of this money that i don't have that most of the ladies i have been with don't concern themselves with the earning potential of the people they choose to get involved in a relationship with, much less the people they're just going to fuck.