Were I single, and she was attractive, I would feel no moral requirement to avoid having sex with her. You might think I'm immoral, and you'd be right, from the viewpoint of your moral system.
I say 'as such' because at the end of the day, I feel that if I were to follow through, I would see myself as cheating on someone - their partner.
But from my moral viewpoint, this is silly. Are you in the relationship? Are you the one who agreed to be faithful? Are you capable of deciding what is best for him? Or her? How do you know how he would feel? And why are you responsible for the feelings of someone you do not know, who you have not made any sort of accord with?
She's the one being unfaithful, she's the one breaking the "rules." I feel no need to save the feelings of another, when it is not my action hurting their feelings, but hers.
If someone makes an agreement, whether written or verbal, whether formal or informal, it is THEIR responsibility to maintain the provisions of that agreement. If I dissuade them from maintaining the agreement without duress, I am only guilty of being convincing. THEY still had to make the choice to break it. And THEY are the ones responsible for that decision.
This moral system is also strongly backed by US contract law. I don't see how a monogamous relationship agreement is different than any other contract we make, sign, or agree to.
In short:If my girlfriend fucks another guy without my permission, I will be mad at her. I will wonder why she decided to break an monogamous agreement with me, and I will be upset that she cares so little for my feelings. I wouldn't hold it against the guy at all. He obviously convinced her that he had something I didn't, so more power to him!