Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
The sooner we're all the same color, the better. I find racial differentiations absurd, and I believe that most celebration of culture and heritage is pointless adherence to tradition that holds us back from truly integrating.
Like hell.
I'm not trading her for beige.
In the long run I'm not sure if it even matters. If we were all the same color and looked the same we would still have 'out groups' and still figure out ways to kill each other. Long before there were racial issues the peoples of Europe, Asia, Africa etc all had no problem killing each other for a variety of colorful reasons.
There is some value to sticking to your own race as well beyond social. While genetic variation amoung humans is minor compared to a lot of animals (bottlenecks ftl) the genes that make up 'races' are all genes that work together well. While some say that mixed race children can be quite 'attractive' and I've seen some that are stunning, some of the ugliest children I've seen are mixed race as well. Its a bit of a genetic crap shoot. The 'successes' will be better than average and the failures will be worse.
In the end our desires on this are unimportant. What creates a race is geographic segregation (and to a lessor extent sexual selection).
The easier transportation comes, the more 'mixing' there will be. Had mankind remained privative longer odds are we wouldn't have had separate races but seperate species. As it turns out our 'remixing' has been able to happen prior to the races evolving into their own species.
Will we ever be beige? Possibly, as long as we have civilization to keep the environmental adaption of race unimportant and transportation easy maybe in a few 1000 years race will be more of a interesting footnote.
Its going to be a LONG LONG while though, and I'd say we have a better chance of all 'getting along' through more mundane means than interbreeding before that happens.