I am pretty sure that if the Human Race creates for itself the opportunity to spread out beyond our home planet there will inevitably be pockets of people with phenotypical varience. I mean, a group who settle on Titan and breeds there for 10,000 years without much input from the outside will have genetic drift. There will eventually be a strong difference from another group who settles on Ceres. I don't care what the original population looks like, genetic drift will create a distinct look of Titanians or Cereans or whatever. The 12,000 AD version of the Galapagos Islands. There will be folks in that future who will feel their particular "look" or "race" needs to be preserved. And it will, as it then evolves as they pack up a "pure sample" and move further and further away from the mainstream and drift and drift . . .
I think our decendants existance will be wonderful and terrible and very exciting. A lot of very exteme and insular things will go on. But so long as we can keep from killing ourselves off before we get out there, we as a Human Race will have an amazing time