Originally Posted by pan6467
I came to this thread because it seemed there were attacks on people's beliefs. I saw someone simply ask what others thought. It went from someone asking a simple question to attacking people who believe in it. This was done under the "Science is all powerful and there is nothing more powerful" guise.
I think perhaps you read into peoples' intentions and statements. As I said before, some people objected to the claim that astrology was a defensible predictive system, and they offered up scientific explanations for why they felt that way. Again, astrology was not positioned as a belief, therefore there were no beliefs to attack. There was some anecdotal evidence, but nothing testable or anything repeatable.
So evolution has been PROVEN to be right? We have found the missing link? There is incontrovertible proof that we evolved from Primordial soup and through many differing species each one growing farther along. There's proof of that? If not, then I think I know exactly what I was talking about.
Respectfully, you do not appear to have a full understanding of evolutionary science.
Australopithecus afarensis has been put forward as a transitional fossil.
If you want incontrovertible proof, however, you're not going to find it in science. You're not going to find it anywhere, since it only exists as an abstract concept. Fortunately, we have evidence -- commonly misunderstood as "proof" -- of certain things. And the origin of Man in a pool of primordial soup is one of them. Is it
ignoble to have such humble beginnings... or is it beautiful and amazing that we have gone from there to here? I vote the latter.