I'm thinking about something in the I.T. field. I dunno, i am logic minded, have had my finger in just about everything imaginable computer related over the last 11 years, from building them from the ground up, to web design, php hax on website packages and vbulletin mods (basically, I could probably create a pretty similar rendition of TFP if I had the desire to do so), email and ftp admin (yeah I was a file-share nut back in the day. Beta testing software (mostly games for sony, and mmo's) networking, both wired and wireless.
My friend is actually making quite a decent wage working as a java coder for a security software company. He swears I could just get some formal education for the stuff I consider as a hobby when I'm geeking out, and do something with it financially.
Problem is, when I look at the IT field, they either want you to know like 4 languages or have 15 different 1000$ certifications and it all seems soooo far away.
I don't doubt that I could pick it up, hell i have a C for dummies book that I never even bothered reading. I dont know where to start, it's just all over the damned place.
Personally I like networking, but coding seems to be the highest demand, I guess i'd like to learn both aspects, not sure where to start though.