Originally Posted by JinnKai
A black box could be reversed in a similar manner, unless it were truly distributed as a true bit-mapped format. The color data would still be there.
I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this, unless your 'true bit-mapped format' is an escape clause allowing you to exclude all digital image produced by photoshop ever, which makes me question what we're left with.
All I did to this image was take the picture, resize it, black it out, and save as jpg (basically what our good pedo friend must have done, except with black instead of twirl). If you know something I don't, go right ahead.
Also, if anyone wants to play internet detective, here's a picture 'censored' the same way to play with...I'm going to try it myself to see how hard exactly it was to 'untwirl'...I'd love to see other people's attempts