Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
From the time I was a kid every job I took I took because it gave me a new skill. I never have ever taken a job that was just a lateral movement. I only take jobs that are going to challenge me in some manner more than I was. This meant if you had computers that were something I didn't know, I wanted to work in your office. You had applications I didn't know? I wanted to work in your office. I stayed in each place for a minimum of 6 months to 1 year tops. While my friends were getting $.35-$.50 raises working in food or retail, I was getting $1=-$2 raises because I moved from company to company. Six month raise for $.50? What are you crazy? This guy over hear is going to give me $1 more per hour. I'm heading over there. So not only did I get the higher raise, but again, I got new skills.
I dropped out of college when the demand of my time far outweighed what I was learning in class. Class was costing me business as a computer consultant.
As I got sought after by other people I picked where I worked. For the early part of my career I didn't work in any company that wasn't a Fortune 500 company. Yes, I cut my hair for a job. I wore a tie, pressed shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. Eventually I let my hair grow out again. My experience now speaks for my skills, I don't have to worry about cutting my hair any longer, but if it made the difference in getting a job. I'll be happy to cut my hair again.
One of the things I did was get a mentor. My mentor was someone who had the lifestyle I wanted to have and bankaccount I could enjoy. Ironically this mentor only got me far enough for stability of getting a roof over my head and some food on the table. They showed me I could still party and enjoy myself every night and still make $40k a year cruising on autopilot.
I network, network, network. Most jobs I have gotten aren't via cold calls or classified ads, but by people I have met. Sometimes via headhunters I listen to what they have to say, what comments they have on my resume, my skills, my experience. During the go go 90s many of them said I should have gone to Dotcoms. I didn't agree, I put in long time into a company and was rewarded with very good severance packages when I got laid off twice. Each time I got laid off I took any job I could because it was better than staying at home not making any money. It also got me in front of other people that I could talk to in order to network my way to another job. The classified jobs were always the ones that weren't very good paying nor as challenging as I wanted them to be.
I have only ever once took a job that was a >$20k paycut but because of circumstances (read saving money for rainy days) it was to bide my time while I looked for another job instead of just sitting at home collecting unemployment and depleting my savings account.
Rule of thumb for networking, the toes you step on today maybe connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow. I was always mindful of my manners as I networked with people. I tried to always be genuine and polite. I also returned the favor many times. I have helped many people get jobs via the network. I always keep an ear out for jobs actively. So when somenone says they are looking for something, I look for them too. I ask my network to see if they know of something.
Everytime there was an opportunity within the company for projects for things I don't know, I volunteer to do the job. It gives me an opportunity to learn something new and shows that I'm a go-getter. I don't kiss ass. I shamelessly self promote myself. I want my boss to know that he can count on me to do the job he gives me when he gives it to me. It will be done well, quickly and accurately, and without needing supervision or with minimal guidance.
I don't care if I have to work with someone who doesn't pull their weight. I don't complain about it. I just get the projects done. The bosses know who's getting things done and accomplished over time. If they don't realize it, I'm already one foot out the door at all times. I look for jobs all the time. I'm in it for me, not for them, I don't have any loyalty to anyone else but me and my family. I am responsible for the quality of the roof I provide myself and the quality of the food I put on my table. I will jump ship on you if you aren't providing me the best that you can. It's nothing personal; it's just business.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
Last edited by Cynthetiq; 10-09-2007 at 01:34 PM..