Get your BA, and learn to BS. It's very, very difficult to go from getting your degree to making a good amount of money without shilling some shit.
My BA is in psych. You know what I did when I graduated? I talked to everyone I knew who could help me, I got information their bosses, and I interviewed like Jesus Christ himself. You need to make yourself perfectly marketable, overqualified and capable yet unthreatening to upper management (you don't want them to feel like they'll take their jobs); make them think "this guy can make my life easier". The funny thing? I don't do anything that requires my psych degree, really. All the facts I learned about abnormal psych and about the history of psychology really are just facts in my head. All people seem to care about is the degree and the name of the school. And how rad you are.
Also, shave. You are less likely to get a job with facial hair, unless you're trying to be a bass player for a cover band.
A) Go to a good school. Get good grades by studying something that interests you. Graduate.
B) Make a huge list of friends who are already working and study their bosses in order to market yourself.
C) Go out and give killer interviews. If possible, practice interviewing with the friend who connected you to the boss, that way they can give you insight into what the person will be looking for.
It did okay for me, though I didn't pay attention to what an idiot the boss was. Don't skip that part. You could end up working for a pedophile that takes the whole company down.