Originally Posted by Mister Coaster
Other than that, there are plenty of games that are more geared toward adults that are just fun to play, win or lose. Pictionary, Balderdash, Scene It.
:involuntary shudder at flashback:
After dating for a half-year, I was invited to a "family getaway" which consisted of my girlfriend's mom's side of the family (her mom had 4 siblings). Pictionary was played. It was the most brutal version I've ever seen, and included a teenage daughter and her dad swearing at the tops of their lungs at each other.
And yet, I still married my girlfriend, and we laugh over the trial by fire she put me through.
/end flashback
With my 5 year old boy, I play to win about 30% of the games. As he gets better at losing, I'll step it up, but for now he gets pretty upset even if he thinks he is going to lose. We insist that he follows the rules of the game, however, or the game ends right then.