Originally Posted by Menoman
Of course, the women around here won't see it that way I assure you 
[QUOTE:]Says: I want a man who is motivated and has goals.
Means: I want a rich man
Says: I want a man who knows how to treat a woman.
Means: I want a rich man
Says: He's from a really good family.
Means: He's from a really rich family.[/QUOTE]
what we really mean is we don't want men who sit on their asses and do jack shit all day and expect the dough/food/luxury of having a roof over your head to just be provided by the WOMAN!
we want a man who is not going to get drunk and beat us, throw us around, cheat on us. we want a man who is not going to be insensitive. we want a caring man who will love us for who we are and in turn we will love them just the same despite the amount of money they earn, despite their family being rich....treat us right does not mean buy us stuff.
we want a man with a family who will accept us and even that isn't as important just as long as the man accepts us. rich family my ASS!!!
who the fuck cares about a rich family. if your family is rich...good for them.well done to them for making it happen for themselves and maybe grab some of their initiative to make it happen for ourselves.
if i want to be rich...i'll get rich on my own thank you kindly.
and MM is so completely on the button...try being and dating adults for a change...i think you might find it a breath of fresh air. WOMEN who actually don't give a damn about all this shite.
dont put me in a box. thank you very much.
try it...i dare ya...you'll thank me