Originally Posted by nonplussed
Today, I have a pretty good self esteem. I am no longer socially anxious, I get plenty of sleep, and I exercise daily. I eat very well, and I make sure to take care of myself in all ways.
Yet, I feel like the effects of stress are still here, months later. My memory is HORRIBLE - I will tell a friend a story, only to find out I already told him days earlier. I struggle to recall info, making it hard to maintain conversations. And, I'm not interested in a lot anymore, so that makes it hard to maintain relationships.
Yet, I don't feel like I'm depressed. But, these effects of stress are starting to depress me. Plus, I'm afraid that if I treat this girl as a friend, she will look at me as a brother... someone she isn't attracted to anymore. It really sucks. I wish I could do something about it.
I've never taken medication for depression or anxiety, and I never will.
I had some anxiety/depression issues earlier this year, and I can understand the reluctance -- there are side effects, psychological stigmas, and concerns about addiction.
It was troubling for me, because in the first twenty-eight years of my life, I'd never had anything even resembling a panic attack. I'd never taken medication for anything, like you. I'm pretty much a laid-back guy who's always given the girls in his life a feeling of safety and reliability. I'm the anchor.
But there I was, going to the ER (because it was the middle of the night) for the first time in my life. Transient chest pains, difficulty breathing, sweaty palms, lack of mental focus, and unnameable fear swirling around the subconscious. But they took my blood, they sat me down and watched my heart rate, and they took an X-ray, and I was physically fine.
I would talk to your doc and see if he has some advice. He may not recommend medication at all. Sometimes, in the end, just talking is enough. And when it's not, there are people there for you who can throw out the safety net.
You may be climbing out of the well, or you may be sinking further. If I were you, I'd want to be prepared for either outcome. You don't want a storm to be coming your way with nowhere to run for cover.