I might even buy a Bill 'O Reilley (sp) t-shirt or something if it had boobies on it.
(and if you don't understand my slight dislike of BoR, read his thread on politics)
we've all tried so hard to be a puppet master that we never believe
we can be the puppet. its all a big joke... a weird one. and what is funny is, like he said, even we KNOW its going to happen we still fall for it..
and we make fun of animals for falling for the same tricks over and over. our egos are way too high.
PS: I can't say the company is exactly doing a moral thing, but its their company, their money, their customers. i wish people would learn to mind their own fucking business and leave that kind of shit alone.
remember Ladies. actions speak louder than words. (or so i've heard)
maybe they should tighten their skirts up awhile..... men may change
(or women get even bitchier, make a nuke and kill us all)