Originally Posted by maleficent
Scrabble was a big game in my house when I was growing up.. and it's not something I ever enjoyed playing -having an english professor mother and attorney father across the board - i woudl get soundly thrashed every single time...
Cheating is wrong.. having certain sets of rules for kids doesn't help the kids al that much - but occassionally letting a kid win, isn't necessarily a bad thing if it gives the kid an apprecation of the game and doesn't m ake them want to quit.
I played a lot of Junior Scrabble this summer with one of my young charges, age 5. She beat me twice, and beat her mother (a history prof) twice. We were amazed! I can't wait until she's old enough to play real Scrabble.
I also played a lot of old-school Candyland this summer, with a 2.5 year old. That's a game where all players are equal, regardless of age, because it's largely a game of chance. And he LOVED it. We had to tell him that we would only play one game at a time with him, and only at certain times, otherwise he would insist on playing again and again and again. He started making up stories about the characters on the Candyland board. Very cute.
It didn't really matter if he won or lost, he just enjoyed playing the game, though we did have to institute a "celebration penalty" like in college football, to teach the kids how to be good winners after winning a board game. I wish that were something I could take to heart in my own life, but I just love saying "in your face" too much.