I used to abstain completely from drinking if I was driving, out of courtesy towards my soon-to-be-passengers. Ultimately I realized I was cheating myself out of something for truly no perceptible benefit.
I don't think anyone should be basing a decision about whether they're still good to drive on "how they feel." Alcohol metabolization is not about how you feel or how fast you
think your reaction time is. Even if your inebriated reaction time is .500, you can still get a DUI.
Knowing that metabolization occurs roughly at 1 beer / 1 shot per hour, I follow the same rule:
One drink per hour, and none at all for an hour prior to leaving.
Considering I'm a 230 pound man with a fast metabolism, I know (and have measured) that 1 drink per 1 hour holds consistently for me. The highest I've seen after drinking 1 per hour was .04, well under the limit.