Originally Posted by Sion
perhaps, but given the intense competition and extremely thin profit margins in the airline industry, maybe they should focus on serving the CUSTOMERS' needs and not their own sense of propriety.
I guess I just fail to see how the customer
needs to wear clothing better suited to a frat party. If you are an adult, and want to be
treated like an adult, then
act (and yes, even dress) like an adult. I view this less as a matter of comfort, and even less as a matter of free speech, than I do as a lack of respect for those around you.
It frosts my nuts, when I take my wife to the symphony (yes, Omaha actually has a good one), the ballet, the opera, the playhouse, or even a fancy restaurant, and I see
that guy. The guy that always wears the jeans and t-shirt. There is a time and a place for that. Have a little class. Have a little dignity. Have a little respect, and learn which is which.
Now, Southwest may be a "low-end" airline, and the days of dressing in a suit and tie, for air travel, are long gone, but when did traveling by air become akin to traveling Greyhound?