Critical thinking consists of mental processes of discernment, analyzing and evaluating. It includes all possible processes of reflecting upon a tangible or intangible item in order to form a solid judgment that reconciles scientific evidence with common sense.
Nice quote. Note the part about "reconciling scientific evidence with common sense". Here's an example. You claim that El Nino could be a contributor to global warming. Well, the scientific evidence concludes that El Nino has no affect whatsoever on global temperature. How about common sense? El Nino is a local shift in wind and sea currents. Does common sense tell you that a shift in wind and sea currents can cause an increase in global temperature? No. Did anybody notice a change in global temperature coincident with El Nino? No.
That's one example of many. Being a critical thinker does not mean you accept any group thinking. However, it does certainly imply being aware of the scientific evidence. You, obviously, are not.
And you've still not stated where I'm irresponsible. Where's that fit into your points? I'm irresponsible because I don't agree with the rest of the group?
I never stated you were being irresponsible. I stated that it would warm the cockles of my heart of you were to reflect on the meaning of "responsibility" in a wider context. Where in that statement is there any accusation of irresponsibility, or any accusation of groupthink?