Originally Posted by raveneye
In retrospect, the last several posts would probably have been better in Esperanto than English.
Here's what would warm the cockles of my heart: if you're interested, spend more time outside than usual. Pay more attention to the changing of the seasons. Think about what "responsible" means in a wider sense. Imagine what opinion your grandchildren will have of you and what you've done when they're your age.
And anything you hear about climate change from anybody (including me): if it's not replicated twice in peer-reviewed publications, assume it's complete bullshit and the messenger thinks you're a fool.
Feel free to quote me on that.
I do spend more time outside than usual. I spend time walking to work a percentage of my commute. It isn't just walking to my car, it's walking to the subway station about 1 mile away. I walk to the grocery store, I walk to most restaurants. I even walk to visit most of my friends. I can if I choose to walk to and from work if I decide I want to.
I do know that in the 70's I was being preached to that there was cooling and another Ice Age was coming, suddenly it's the 90s and it's warming. I've lived in California and the strange temperatures of El Nino and La Nina are nothing new to me. I see it as cycles of the earth and nothing more. You may with to call it global warming, and your version of critical thinking brings you to that point of accepting what you've read. My version sees that there is a much bigger picture and we're infinitely small in the scheme of things.
I do own a small compact car which I drive less than 8,000 miles a year. It is 6 year old car with just over 35,000 miles on it. I moved from a city where I drove that within 1 year to the one I live in now.
I live in a community that provides it's own power for cheaper than what it costs for ConEdison to produce using our own boiler room and steam production. We've considered even providing our our generators so that we provide our own electricty and can be 100% off the grid and self sustaining.
Most of my electronics and durable goods are Energy Star efficient. My windows are energy efficient double paned double hung windows. I live in a small 800 sq. ft 1 bedroom apartment with my wife.
Chances are very good that I won't have grandchildren because I don't plan on having children so this "think of the children" stuff is a bunch of emotional tugging on the heartstrings bullshit.
WTF do you mean about "responsible" in a wider sense? I'm irresponsible because I like to eat meat, remember that's what this thread is about? Or I'm irresponsible because I don't subscribe to your point of view? Please explain how I'm irresponsible.
So what are you trying to tell me I need to do more here? Because that's what I'm getting from these kinds of threads and these kinds of articles. That each time something new turns around that I'm now required to make ever more another sacrifice when there are many other people who don't drive in less than an SUV, who cannot walk to work, who drive to the grocery store, who live in huge houses...
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
Last edited by Cynthetiq; 10-07-2007 at 06:26 PM..