Evolution is population change due to selective processes. Selection happens through competition.
If you are going to put your ideas here and claim that there is validity to them, then you shouldn't be surprised when you are asked to support them. At times, support may even come in the form of defense, if other people have supported ideas which exclude yours if they are correct.
The TFP is like the internet, and the internet is like the world. Some things are mutually exclusive and there is nothing wrong with trying to sort them out.
It really has nothing to do with your assumed right to advocate beliefs and ideas without anyone questioning them. That right doesn't exist here, or in most places.
I'm still looking for the full text to the Nature article. I've provided a source which lists other studies which refute astrology. It would be good form for someone who believes in astrology to step up to the plate and offer some similar material.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam