Originally Posted by willravel
Would you tell any member of your particular race not to be offended by that word?
Yes, I would. Words can only bother you if you let them bother you.
It's always annoyed how every once in a while some celebrity in on the news for making a racial slur or a slur against gays. The simple fact that people care to the point where they absolutely
DEMAND public apologies shows that they've got the self-worth of mud. Really. People need to buck up and stop letting trivial things bother them. I have a lesbian friend who uses the term 'gay' all the time when something goes wrong. Doesn't bother her one bit. Makes you wonder why other people can't be like that...
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Thread jack incoming.
Really, such PCisms gives a word too much power.
I'm always reminded of this when I see it.