I'm not ignoring the entire corpus of modern science. It is within this realm and a few others that my own critical thinking has decided for me and my own lifestyle that the decision still rests within me to make choices.
You can certainly choose to ignore an entire field of scientific research if you don’t like its conclusions. I’m just pointing out that that’s exactly what you (and many others) are doing. So I guess I’m right.
Maybe you want to have dittohead's around so that you can be condescending towards someone. I however am firm in my statement that this works for me and me alone.
You brought Marc Morano, former “Rush Limbaugh’s Man In Washington”, and producer of Limbaughs TV show into the thread, not me. Plus you linked to him uncritically, without questioning a single word he said, when it would have taken 3 mouse clicks to discover that his lead story was horseshit.
Funny how the critical thinking vanishes sometimes, isn’t it?