Originally Posted by Hyacinthe
find that totally offensive to be honest. What IS acting gay? Are you saying that all homosexual men act in a certain way unlike the rest of humanity?
Even though you'll find that nowhere did I ever state
all homosexual men act in a certain way unlike the rest of humanity, yes, that's essentially what I'm saying. You can find what I said as offensive as you want, but it doesn't change the fact of the matter that gays, on average, display recognizable differences between them and their heterosexual counterparts and there are on-going studies which reinforce this theory.
Psychologists used to believe homosexuality was caused by nurture — namely overbearing mothers and distant fathers — but that theory has been disproved. Today, scientists are looking at genes, environment, brain structure and hormones. There is one area of consensus: that homosexuality involves more than just sexual behavior; it’s physiological.
Bailey and his colleagues set up a series of experiments in his lab at Northwestern University. In one study, researcher Gerulf Rieger videotaped gay and straight people sitting in a chair, talking. He then reduced them visually to silent black and white outlined figures and asked volunteers to see if they could tell gay from straight. The idea was to find out if certain stereotypes were real and observable.
Based on physical movement and gestures of the figures, more often than not, the volunteers in the study could tell a difference.
"So, is the conclusion that gay people do in fact move differently?" Stahl asked Rieger.
"Yeah, absolutely," he replied.
It's not true 100 percent of the time; it is true on average. The researchers also studied the way gay and straight people talk, and they found differences on average there too.
Linky Linky
Sometimes I think I'm the only one who actually bothers to research these things.
Which one of those two men is most likely to be harassed about being 'gay'?
I don't know nor do I care as it had little to do with my initial statement.
*Points to the whole effeminate =/= gay thing*
The use of gay and faggot as insults is not acceptable to me no matter the context and even in public I'll tell other people to stop. To me they're just as offensive as calling someone a "Nigger" or "Abo" or "Chink".
Really... People need to learn to stop being so damn overly sensitive. Words have no power over you unless you let them have power over you.
Once again this is NOT purely about the sexuality but about the inability of young men to communicate that sometimes these actions go above an beyond what is allowed by the need of men of those age groups to establish a pecking order. It is more about making it acceptable to seek help whether it be from a friend, family members or health professional when they get to the stage where death becomes a better alternative then living with their problems.
Sorry, but the main focal point is about homosexuality.
*Points to the opening anecdote, the constant references to homosexuality and acceptance throughout the OP and the fact that, like, nearly every response has something to do with someone being gay*
Anyway, I'm still trying to understand where/how the whole suicide thing fits in here. While men
commit suicide more often then women, women
attempt suicide more often than men do (At least this is true in the US). Men are simply better than killing themselves then women are, but it would seem as if women are the ones more susceptible to social pressures.
...But I think that's getting a bit off-topic.