Infinite_Loser did you even read what MrFriendly said?
Just reading your short comment there makes me think that you didn't and if you did you sure as hell interpreted it differently from me and seemingly everyone else.
Currently in Australia the amount of men below the age of 24 is 10 times that of similarly aged women. The majority of those people are from a rural Australian background, whether that be a small town or cattle station.
MrFriendly said the inability of people from those backgrounds to accept homosexuality MIGHT contribute to the suicide rates.
This is the problem, this is where it stops being about sexuality, and starts to be a witch hunt that stifles a young mans ability to express and communicate what's really on their mind. Encouraging anyone to bottle shit up is dangerous
This to me is the key issue for what MrFriendly is talking about using homosexuality as an example. Men are encouraged by the macho culture to be strong and independent to show no signs of weakness as
Ustwo said earlier. Sometimes however you're going to feel weak, someones comment is going to hurt and young men are more likely to bottle that emotion up until it reaches dangerous levels then young women.
Women for example are more likely to see a psychiatrist or a doctor then men. How many of you men here would go and see a doctor because you were having mood swings as opposed to simply shrugging it off?
As for your comment:
There's a big difference between acting effeminate and acting gay. If you don't act gay then you won't be called gay. Seems pretty simple to me.
I find that totally offensive to be honest. What IS acting gay? Are you saying that all homosexual men act in a certain way unlike the rest of humanity? That simply being attracted to men makes them act in a certain way which displays "GAY" to the rest of us? That this is different to an effeminate man who has no interest in sports / cars / computers and is more likely to be interested in theatre / dance / fashion but is in no way attracted to other men? I have homosexual friends who are more macho then the majority of my heterosexual ones does that make them any less attracted to their own gender?
Which one of those two men is most likely to be harassed about being 'gay'?
The use of gay and faggot as insults is not acceptable to me no matter the context and even in public I'll tell other people to stop. To me they're just as offensive as calling someone a "Nigger" or "Abo" or "Chink"
Once again this is NOT purely about the sexuality but about the inability of young men to communicate that sometimes these actions go above an beyond what is allowed by the need of men of those age groups to establish a pecking order. It is more about making it acceptable to seek help whether it be from a friend, family members or health professional when they get to the stage where death becomes a better alternative then living with their problems.