Depends where you live. the heat will do more damage then just sun in a mild climate area. But basicly park it in the shade when you can. Keep it clean and waxed and if your real worried about it get one of those fold out shades you stick on the dash to keep things from getting too hot. they will block the sun off the dash and interior. Car covers outside are not really a good idea. Unless your going to be very very careful about keeping the car spotless its not worth it. Just take care of the car. Try to keep it out of direct sun if you can. Use a good wax and keep it clean.
If you live in arazona or something then things will get a lot harder. A cover might be worth it but any dust or dirt on the car can scratch it and make things worse. giving it a good cleaning and wax once a month or so will work wonders to take care of the paint in any case. and one of those $5 cardboard dash shades will keep the dash and front seat and steering wheel and stuff in good shape. Or even getting the windows tinted if its legal in your area. Thats about $200 The same as a good high quality outdoor car cover.
Did i mention keep it clean and waxed? Cause yeah that will help a lot.