For the two (literally) times I've ever not been the designated driver, the person who was driving was a totally trusted individual and was allowed 2 beers all night. That's because, no matter how you want to complain about beer, simple biochemistry dictates it takes about 1 hour for a person to fully metabolize the alcohol in one serving of alcohol (it's more if they weigh less, but this guy would not fit into that category by a long shot). If we get there at 10:30 and plan on being there until 2:30 at the minimum, having 2 beers in the first hour, hour and a half won't make a damn bit of difference.
And, that's assuming that he'd be impaired after 1, or even 2, which he is not. He barely feels 2, but that's not important.
if it were anyone else but him, I'd say none whatsoever, because I'm not sure who else I'd trust not to get carried away and "just have 1" too many times. But, it's only ever happened twice, so I don't think about it.
I've always been the designated driver, for several reasons:
1. I don't enjoy being drunk out and about, because then I rely on someone else to get home.
2. In general, I can't stand being a passenger in a car. I get anxiety attacks because it's a loss of control thing- basically the chemicals in my brain are only satisfied that I am a capable driver- and the people I encounter on the roads every day do nothing to help quell that idea.
3. I want everyone to have a good time, and that means making sure everyone does so safely. I once held my pocket knife to a guy's tire in order to get his keys from him (he was refusing to let them go)- and if he'd gotten in his car, he'd have been sitting on two flats.
As for me personally, I would have the one or two in the span of an evening- but i'd also usually be drinking water and maybe some soda, too. Not intentionally, but because they're refreshing beverages.
That was before. Since starting my training as a medic, not a drop of alcohol comes anywhere near me if i'm leaving my buddy's apartment, which is where I'd hang out and be able to crash if I was unable to drive home. The simple reason is, I don't want any question about it if I get pulled over- there is no alcohol of any concentration in my bloodstream, period.
Additionally, I've been trailing off in the amount I drink (which was only ever a few in any night, i didn't binge or anything) since the beginning of the year, and I stopped drinking altogether several months ago. I don't have a problem with it, I just don't get any enjoyment out of being drunk. I'm a fun enough guy without it. lol
Last edited by analog; 10-05-2007 at 02:24 PM..