Great article, but it has icky-bad-ju-ju vibes in it for me.
(mild threadjack may follow)
Smells like Vietnam syndrome to me. Just can't quit on a losing note.
"We'll MAKE 'EM LOVE the American lifestyle if we have to kill them to do it!"
In a noble effort to understand the enemy... we're just rolling our dicks in the sand for that much longer.
We're done. We've been done in A-stan for a while. Iraq? Done last year.
Our leadership (military and civilian) are so focused on saving face that they forget the body count.
I feel sorry for General P. being the posterboy for this botched conflict. I met him in 2003. Seems like a pretty decent human.
Last edited by Plan9; 10-05-2007 at 12:03 PM..