Originally Posted by filtherton
I don't think that you're understanding what i am saying. Think about crossing a bridge. You don't understand the mechanics of it, you don't understand the different factors that went into the design process, the choice of materials, even if you did know all these things, you still don't even know for certain that the bridge won't collapse while you are on it. You still cross bridges, right? That's faith right there. Theism is just one example of how faith can come into play when information is lacking.
I see a car cross the bridge first. Bam. Evidence that it's safe. I've never been the first to cross a bridge. If I were to be the first to cross a bridge, I'd probably check it out first. You're reaching here.
Originally Posted by filtherton
If you think a theist can't than you don't understand what it means to be a theist.
It's not like I was a theist for the first 17 years of my life, or like my dad is a pastor or anything. Oh... wait...
Originally Posted by filtherton
Biology has nothing to do with whether you exist- things that lack biology still exist. It's not science, it's axiomatic.
Are you talking about "self" and all that spiritual stuff? Then no, there's absolutely no evidence. Things that have no evidence that they exist tend not to exist.