Originally Posted by filtherton
Maybe we're not talking about the same thing here, but...
Either position is requires faith, even if one were to completely sidestep the whole subject of atheism. Belief in anything requires faith, either directly or indirectly. Driving across a freeway bridge is an act of faith. Riding a bicycle is an act of faith. Believing that the only things that are worth believing are those that pass some sort of ultimately arbitrary standard is definitely an act of faith.
Do strong atheists believe in their own existence? How can they? It's not like it's something anyone can prove in any kind of nontrivial way, it's not even something you can say is likely, because the notion of probability in this context doesn't really apply.
Understanding the perceptions from our five senses and building up understandings of systems based on our perceptions and deductive reasoning is not faith, it's understanding. There's a huge difference. Faith happens despite evidence. Understanding happens because of evidence.
There is evidence that I, being my physical self (bones, nervous system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, etc.), exist.
Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
Will, ya know that the ignominious flying spaghetti monster reference, only invokes the power of total logical thinking, relying on an absolute faith in the power of scientific reasoning, logic, & rationalism, which is fine if you base your life on a purely Vulcan point of view. Some humans always try to suppress their emotions, bury them deep inside, and try to forget about the purely emotional, completely liberating, & absolutely mind empowering, view that God actually exists. I prefer to exist in a state that is open to all possibilities, ready and willing to consider new trains of thought, and willing to accept the fact that humans really don't now shit about the true nature of the universe, let alone the nature of themselves.
Vulcans aren't just logical, they suppress their feelings. Atheists don't suppress our feelings. God has nothing to do with emotions. Yeesh.