I think it's a little odd, too. Especially considering the conditions at Dachau. My daughter went there this past summer, so I'm kind of fresh with the knowledge of the history of the camp. I find it highly improbable that someone lived and worked there yet did not know.
And not
everyone was with the Hitler Youth, come on. That one gets to slide, too?
Does it matter that when American troops liberated the camp they were so horrified by the conditions there that they executed many of the German guards they found there? Would you be feeling bad for this guy then?
Personally, I don't care what happens to him. There are consequences to our actions, even when we aren't or don't feel in control of them.
And I also find it highly incongruous that we hold a 19-year-old fruit picker to a higher standard than a 19-year-old who trained dogs to kill people for the Nazis.
Here is a picture of where prisoners slept at Dachau, my daughter took this picture...

When the camp was liberated, I hope my memory is right, but there were around 30,000 prisoners there and the facillity was designed to hold around 5000.
Here is where they went to the bathroom...
So instead of bitching about the treatment this poor old man is getting when we should be paying attention to more 'important' things...why don't
we try advocating for more important things instead.