For someone who is at your point in life financially, I would recommend living below your means as much as possible. The first think you need is to slowly build a savings account, while decreasing your debt as quickly as possible. Meaning, pay off your car, and put a small amount away. Once you have paid off your debts, take that new found money and put it into your savings to build it up faster. You have a goal of going to school? Find out how much it will cost and save up for tuition.
At this point in your financial life, you should not be worried about stocks and investments. Also, paying rent is not always throwing your money away. Ask the millions of people who bought houses in good times and then had to foreclose when the housing bubble burst if they would have rather paid rent. They threw away money and then some.
Also, a car is not an investment unless you are making more money from the car than you are paying out plus depreciation, such as a limo or delivery truck. It is a liability otherwise (financially speaking).
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