Sticky - +6 for first, -1 cause they are technically vids ( and you have lots of points anyway) so, + 5
Redlemon - + 4, nice variety, +1 cause i really like the nubile girl with the scar, + 1 for comedy, so +6
Mondak - + 3 and +1 for Marketa, so + 4
jennaboo4u - + 5 for asian, +2 for artistic "pic within a pic using cell phone" so, +7
Current standings:
Sticky: 47
Mondak: 41
Redlemon 35
cybermike: 25
jennaboo4u 19
squeeeb: 29
bparker805: 28
Munku 12
The Faba: 4
JStrider: 2
Hanxster: 1
Sticky, since you are in the lead, you pick the next round....
onward to mayhem!