1. People who drive 65 in a 65 and 65 in a 55. They just go at 65 regardless of the speed limit.
2. Websites that have a search function but don't put the cursor in the search area when you go to them. This grates my nerves. If I want to do a search, then put the cursor in the freaking search box!!
3. People who explain jokes or say "you're so funny" after someone makes a funny comment. Example: Person A says "yeah you better watch out for person B, I hear he likes sausage a lot!!" and then the whole room starts laughing, and person C says "ha ha ha!!! person B fell in a tank of sausage one time!! yeah he fell in the tank of sausage and couldn't get out!" and then the entire joke is ruined because the person explained the whole scenario and broke the momentum. The only thing worse is when a person says "you're so funny" instead of laughing.
4. When a group of people notice a person in a room may have a comical side to them and begin to laugh at every single thing the person says, even if it's not supposed to be funny, so that they're forced to turn every comment into a joke in order to not be awkward in front of the crowd. Example: person A walks into a party and says "beer time!!!!!!!" and then the room bursts into laughter. Then person A genuinely says "thanks for the beer, I was dying of thirst" and then the room bursts into laughter again for no reason because they were expecting something funny out of the funnyman.
5. At a 4-way stop intersection, the first person that gets there goes first. Then everyone goes in order. In my city there's basically an epidemic of people rolling through 4-way stops regardless of when they got there. It almost causes wrecks everyday.