1. Marijuana would be legalized, and available at your local 7-11.
2. Beer would be available at every restaurant, as well as good coffee.
3. The drinking age would be lowered to 18.
4. More places would serve salads made from local greens, and local food movements would be encouraged.
5. Farmers markets would be held on a daily basis, instead of a biweekly basis.
6. Radio would consist of NPR and classic rock stations.
7. Television would be made up of educational documentaries and programs, in addition to science fiction programs, travel/food programs, and quality cartoons.
8. Yoga would be mandatory in public schools, to start the day.
9. Everyone would ride bicycles.
10. Birth control would be widely available and cheap. Sex ed would no longer be limited to abstinence-only, and parents would be encouraged to be part of the system of sexual education instead of made to feel uncomfortable about it.
11. Spirituality would be seen as an integral part of life, yet no specific kind of spirituality would be espoused by public institutions. Rather, people would choose to pursue spiritual education on their own time, and Eastern philosophy would be given equal weight alongside Christianity. People would encourage their children to explore their spirituality, and to embrace paths that suit them. The Golden Rule would rule the day.
12) Japanese food would also be more widely available.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau