1) TFP would have billions of members on thousands of servers across the world and everyone would have high speed connections.
2) The population of the planet would go from 6 billion to about 100 million.
3) Desalinization via solar power in areas relatively devoid of aquatic life would be the source of all fresh water for human or domesticated animal consumption and use. No streams or reservoirs or even wells will be used. And there will be more than enough plants to ensure that everyone has more than enough.
4) Nothing would pollute. Everything would be required to be biodegradable and/or recyclable.
5) Governmental systems will be made up of community states that report to city states etc. all the way up to a world parliament. Each representative will be a member of his or her community that he or she is representing.
6) If you want meat, go into the woods and get it, but make sure that you do not over-hunt. If you want to eat vegetables, you've got a nice back yard and so do your neighbors. Trade, and enjoy being a part of local markets.
7) Houses would be simply trees grown to have rooms in them. It's not difficult, really. Power would be from solar and wind, and we'd be hard at work on alternative and more powerful energy like fusion.
8) There would be no prisons because of preemptive measures taken in schools to head off destructive behavior. No one would be zombies, of course, but people with mental illnesses would be diagnosed and helped early and people wouldn't really want for food or shelter.
9) The civil defense (police) force would be the entire community. Everyone would be properly trained, and no one in the world would have guns at all. Because everyone would be like me, no one would invent guns.
10) There would be no corporations and a pretty small federal government. Most government would be done locally and all members of society would be heavily involved in policy because they aren't distracted by crap.
11) Every person would wear a bracelet (that cannot be removed) that records all actions. This information would be stored publicly and would assist in anything from remembering a conversation to law enforcement. No one, be they government or otherwise, would be allowed to classify or erase anything from the record.
12) Anyone found to be committing a serious crime (rape, murder, grand larceny, etc.) would be castrated and everyone having a direct blood tie to them (brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter) would also not be able to reproduce.
13) Civil rights would be outlined in a world BOR, and communities could decide on further rights in their own constitution.
It'd be a golden age. Ustwo might feel a bit out of place there, though. So you can have Australia.