Originally Posted by Ustwo
If some 'real' global warming scientist was posting here and they described themselves as far left and couldn't even figure out how a plane hit the pentagon while belittling and ignoring any evidence against human caused global warming you bet your ass I'd go from this angle. We don't post in a vacuum here. Its not attacking Will personally by pointing out own deep bias in looking at data as demonstrated by the 9/11 threads. You yourself were the mod who let that stuff get on tfp politics if I recall when in the past it was kept nicely locked up in paranoia.
The fact that global warming goes into politics itself speaks volumes for the real issue here.
I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about global climate change in pertaining to livestock, not character assassination of a hypothetical scientist by association to me on another subject altogether. The evidence and theoretical conclusions presented in paranoia were in paranoia for a reason, and the thread in Politics was trolled and flamed so much by you personally (as well as a few others) it almost led to you getting banned. It was a thread of questions, only, so it was allowed into politics after much discussion between me and several moderators (and Halx if I recall). The idea was that nothing was to be assumed on either side and that it only be a study by laymen of the evidence. I'm sorry you took that thread's existence so personally, but it was your behavior in that thread, not mine, that was disappointing.
The fact is that data and experts back global climate change and it's direct connection to human behavior. Suggesting otherwise is to suggest that you are more informed than people who are experts on the subject. That's asking too much trust in you and none in real, verifiable experts.