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Old 10-03-2007, 07:06 AM   #41 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by Johnny Rotten
I think that's a very good point, and I struggle a lot to fit this rational conclusion into things like the Disclosure Project testimonies, Stanton Friedman's lectures, and various other bits and pieces that rise above the sea of nutjobbery and snake oil salesmen. For every person who has a believable story to tell, there's seven people saying that I can rub a magnet on a tumor to make it go away, and two more guys who say the whole UFO phenomenon is a hoax to swerve our attention away from relatively mundane, classified government projects.

Given that intelligent, spacefaring life exists elsewhere, how could they possibly have found us amidst all these stars and galaxies? It's not just finding a needle in a haystack -- it's like looking for a specific needle in a stack of needles.

From here, I can only speculate, and I've come up with two conclusions. One, that life on this planet was installed long ago by an alien race. Or two, that there is a network of probes or scanners canvassing the galaxy, looking for specific signs of life or intelligent life. Beyond that, I can't come up with anything that doesn't sound strangely mystical.

From what I've read and from the videos I've seen on the Internet, though, physical distance does not seem to be a problem. FTL travel is a matter of essentially skipping through space like a stone on the surface of a pond. And I've read of outright portals through space and even time, but that stuff is like pulp comic book material to me. It's way beyond plausability and can only be taken as an entertaining possibility.

Until about six months ago, I'd never seriously pondered any of this. But I found myself with some additional free time on my hands, and I've had a love for science fiction since childhood. I've come to the conclusion that 90% of UFOlogy is crap, but just as Project Bluebook had a percentage of cases that evaded any explanation, there are a few stories that have the ring of truth. And the more I research, the more vast that truth appears to be.
I like you. You are the first 'pro' UFO person I've seen write who wasn't a wack job about it which makes this a fun debate. Normally its like arguing with someone who believes in faith healing.

I do think in the 40’s and 50’s the government did use UFO’s as a cover for projects, it makes sense to do so, and with all the jet, rocket, nuclear tests and the emerging cold war this made sense. I think the problem was no one relized just how far people would go with those cover stories and the ‘cult’ of UFOlogy that would follow. I wouldn’t be shocked if this was still policy today if some new ‘super secret’ aircraft was compromised. Logically it makes sense as the UFO enthusiasts can think what they want, it doesn’t really affect anything, and it would keep the sighting lost in a sea of hoaxes and the like.

Now I don’t think this actually matters to the concept of alien ‘visitors’. After all the government could very well use UFO’s as a cover story and at the same time their could be real alien space ships, one does not eliminate the other.

My belief, and it is a belief, I can’t say I have proof, but I do think I have probability on my side, is that we have not been visited.

Its possible that some technologically superior alien species has been monitoring earth for scientific or nefarious reasons, but obviously so subtlety that they leave no real proof. So while possible, its no different than the tooth fairy in that I can’t really do anything to test it and it can be safely ignored unless something new emerges.

Then we have the crashed spaceship mythos. This again is also possible, but I’d have to say that safely traveling 100 light years only to crash doing something as mundane as a planetary landing would be almost comical. Now maybe this has happened but I think its sort of difficult to see how it could be covered up so well for so long. Government secrets seem a dime a dozen these days, and its been that way for a while. I would expect that there would be SOME physical evidence which could be produced, not just a guy claiming to have a PhD in physics who later turned out to be the night janitor who was fired for sleeping on the job in 1978 (and I’m just making that up, but I do recall one guy who wrote a book etc who turned out to be something very similar, I just don’t recall the details). I’d also add that some very smart people can believe some very crazy things, so even a legitimate person can be out in left field on these stories. I personally have a friend who is very intelligent, who I really like and is really a great guy. As a student he discovered a hazard in a piece of equipment which a governing body attempted to ‘repress’ his disclosing and to fudge the data to make it look less harmful. This was a real conspiracy, (though it was mild, I won’t get into details) and the problem WAS fixed but only after enough time was bought for damage control, and this time may have been bought with a large donation to said body. The problem for him is that since then he sees every conspiracy theory out there as valid. So everything from vaccines, to milk, to fluoride, to dental amalgam, to about everything in the government must be a conspiracy. I’ve never asked him about UFO’s, but I can already tell you his answer. I think its almost a form of shock, as he was so affected by what he experienced that he never really ‘recovered’. So while I’d love to believe some of these ‘confessions’, until something solid comes out of it, I have to say its possible but not probable.

I won’t even get to the alien abduction stories, and I doubt you give those any credibility either. I myself used to have a recurring nightmare as a child that was almost identical to the abduction dreams so I always get a kick out of the stories.

So I won’t say there is no possibility. Maybe FTL travel is not only possible but mundane, and some day someone will say ‘duh, how did we not see that!’ and the next thing you know we are zipping around the galaxy. Maybe there is a vast and benign galactic government who is waiting for us to ‘mature’ to a point where we can join the party, or maybe we are being secretly monitored by a reptiloid alien race who wants to turn us into meat snacks and have alien love children with us, but to me any real proof, any real technology would be just to ‘big’ to repress.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.

Last edited by Ustwo; 10-03-2007 at 07:10 AM..
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