Originally Posted by Crompsin
4 years is good, but I'm willing to bet after 5 that thing will be gathering dust. We are talking about disposable technology that evolves every 6 months.
I'll throw Linux on it & use it as a router or file server, maybe my personal web server. But I'm a techie, and this is a moot point for about 90% of the computing population....so I'll grant you some credit.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Would you hang on to a car that's 20 years old just because it holds your ass with a seatbelt and still does 60 mph? Not me. Junk the fucker. It did its job.
As to your car analogy: not a very good likeness to computers. You don't need tires that handle Road 2008 - and even with the new features and safety features, neither the automobile nor the infrastructure they use have changed that much. Compare that today's computer - if you want to go on the internet, you can't do that with a computer made in the 80s or even most of the 90s. If you want to run the latest OS - the same...you have to buy a new computer.
So yeah, if the car can still strap my ass into it and legally, reliably and safely get me where I need to go, it's pretty well good for me - but I'm not your average American consumer...I don't need a new car every two years!
Besides, try telling those folks with 1955 'vettes or 1965 Mustangs that their cars "have done their jobs" and should be junked!
Originally Posted by Crompsin
If wanted a machine to run WordStar on... I'd have kept my Tandy 20mhz.
And you know what? It would still work for that...and there are some that do exactly that! Go into academia and you'll see what I mean. I had a professor about 7 years ago who still did all of his exams on an OLD computer running Word Perfect 5.1 and printing using a dot matrix printer. He didn't see the need to go spend money to upgrade while his old method worked just fine. So he kept with it.
You're right, if your needs change, get a new computer.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Based on this? I'll probably have to go with PCs... because they're a little cheaper to buy when the 3-4-5 year upgrade comes.
Agreed, a PC is NO different from a mac when it comes to 3 or four years down the road. The ONLY difference is that you can upgrade a PC piece-meal...which may or may NOT be cheaper in the long run, depending on what you upgrade. Yeah, a Video card today might be cheap...but oftentimes that leads to a new Mobo, CPU, and Memory....maybe a new Disk drive. What have you saved if you buy state-of-the-art components? You now have a fairly modern computer in a five-year-old case....bleah!
Trash that fucker & buy a new computer!