Originally Posted by Shauk
I'm moving to seattle in a month too, lol. nice I thank you very much for this post, I'll definitely be back to read this when it's time to shop again I appreciate the help, i'm such a food noob.
Seattle has a couple Trader Joe's (the one on Cap Hill is good) - you can get cheap produce in Chinatown if you go a bit east on Jackson (two/three blocks past Maynard away from the water). And you've gotta love the Safeways open til 3am or whatever odd hour it is... If you want to get good granola, you can get huge bags of it (flax, hemp too) from PCC which is also on Cap Hill - actually, there are a couple co-op hippie dippy stores that sell organic, plus the organic section in Safeway is pretty substantial.
It's a great place to live - one of my favorite cities ever!!