I very successfully dropped about 30 lbs by reducing my total caloric intake, and refocussing what I eat to include complex carbs, lots of vegetables and meat. Chicken, beef, pork, but not processed (high salt or high fat) lunch meats like black forest ham.
I felt I was hungry a lot, but then started to snack on high protein items such as peanuts ( a bag of them for a buck) which makes you feel full. I also tired to eat lunches with little bread such as a chicken caesar salad, or cabage rolls.
I also started running longer. I know you don't like it, but at a beginner level, y ou don't need to do too much to get an aerobic workout, and eventually you will prolong your workouts. Weight lifting also boosts your metabolism long past the duration of the workout.
Cheese is a perfect snack, aim for low fat but a couple of onzes of brie or havarti will keep you from being hungry too.
As for pop (or soda as you call it) I stay away from all such fizzy drinks because the sugar in the non-diet drinks is excessive (your insulin shouldn't have to deal with that) and the aspartame in the diet drinks a) tastes bad & b) i just don't trust the chemical
Aslo the carbonation can destroy the enamel on your teeth (everything from perrier to pop). something about its acidity.
so, reduced calory diet (not a lot) + high fibre + complex carb(the fewer carbs the better) + protein (by a powder and make smoothies) + increased physical exercise = manageable weight.