What's your meat footprint?
I average at least 1 or two tasty meat and/or dairy products a day. I need to be a better steward of my planet. Here's why...
Did you know that the international livestock industry is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions as measured in carbon dioxide equivalent
(link to UN FAO report)? This includes 9 percent of all CO2 emissions, 37 percent of methane, and 65 percent of nitrous oxide. In other words,
eating meat causes more global warming than all human transportation combined.
Why is the "meat crisis" not served up on the same menu as the other hot mainstream Global Warming entrés? It's hard to swallow, but shouldn't we be taking a stab at the largest single contributor to greenhouse emissions? We should at least bring it to the table, put it on the plate, and take it one bite at a time.
Meat IS tasty. But sadly, it is much too tasty for "serious" global warming champions not to be hypocrates when it comes to delicious, tasty meat. Here is some of the shameful evidence...
click to show

Former Vice President Al Gore

Actor George Clooney

US Senator Hillary Clinton

Actor Leonardo Dicaprio

US Senator John F Kerry

Film maker Michael Moore is seen here being fed by his assistant
Help our environmental leaders get back on track and address the "real" issues impacting our environment. Instead of carbon offsets, let's look at meat, poultry and dairy "offsets". Let's organize Hollywood and kick off a whole new series of hypocratic feel-good concerts centered around our concern for the meat crisis! How many more polar bears are you killing with your evil meat!
So lets cut down on our "Meat Footprint" and save the polar bears!
Also, watch this very important video, "
An Inconvenient Meal".
Spread the word, not the steak sause!