Army re-enlistment bonus
Back in the 1970s the army was involved in Vietnam and running low on troops. The Department of Defense got the bright idea to have people reenlist by paying them a sort of bonus, all they had to do was have something measured on thier body and the DOD would pay by the inch.
Well the first man in line was a Captain who had always been a paper pusher in Washington D.C.. He goes in and after the routine physical and the necissary paper work he is deemed clear to re enlist. The Dr. asks the captain where he would like measured. The Captain thinking he was smart says from the tip of my middle on one hand to the other middle finger on the other hand. The Dr. measures and then pays the man. The next man to walk in is a salty Seargent Major that had been in the army for many years, unlike the Captain he had not been a paper pusher, instead he was in charge of training the recruits to fire the M-16.He goes through the medical things and signs the papers, then the Dr. asks where he would like to be measured and he answers from the top of my head to the to bottom of my feet. The Dr. measures and pays him. The next man to come in is just a regular Seargent. No awards nothing special about him other than the fact that he had already done three tours of duty in Vietnam. Well he goes through the medical evalutation and signs the paperwork. Then the DR. asks him where he would like to have measured so he can get his money. The seargent replies camly, from the tip of my penis to my testicles. The Dr. says sir, im a medical Dr., and I can say that there must be some place else that you would rather have measured. I mean there is no way that you can be big enough to get any serious money. The seargent simply says no sir I want to measured from my penis to my testicles. The Dr. says ok then drop your pants, well the Sgt does and the Dr. begins to measure his penis, but then notices that the Sgt has no testicles, so he asks where they are, and the Sgt replies simply "In VIETNAM"
God created man, Sam Colt made them equal.