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Old 10-01-2007, 11:16 PM   #13 (permalink)
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In no real particular order at all....

1. Loyalty - I am 100% intolerant of cheating like many of you ladies
2. Loving and Caring - What is a relationship without love?
3. Financially Responsible (notice how I am not saying 'stable'; to me stability comes with the responsibility)
4. Intellectual and Smart- I cannot stand stupid people, regardless of how good looking they may be. He could be an Adonis with an amazing penis, but he's useless if he's stupid and doesn't know how to use it.
5. An <b>Appropriate</b> sense of humour and funny - I don't mind if he makes childish sex jokes, but I don't want him to make prostitute jokes in front of my grandmother. This also refers to attribute number 4
6. Respects me as a person - Though it should be said that respect is earned, not given.
7. Certain level of openmindedness on certain subjects - This is a real catch-22, I don't expect him to be estatic for everything I stand for (especially in the realm of politics), but I need a certain degree of sanity. Plus open-minded in the bedroom. That goes without saying
8. Character - MUST HAVE CHARACTER!!!! To quote 'the wolf' in <i>Pulp Fiction</i> "Just because you <i>are</i> a character, doesn't mean you <i>have</i> character"
9. Good Conversationalist/Company - I want to be able to carry a descent conversation with him, but also have moments where we can both be in a comfortable silence.
10. Clean - I mean in terms of narcotics. I do no use drugs, nor do I smoke. I need him to be the same. If I am going to raise a family with this man, the last thing I want to do is have my son chastisizing me that I should let him smoke pot because "dad does it too". For me, smoking pot is a sign of childishness.

I think that there is some give in all of our lists. I mean, I would love to add "likes to work out" or "displays of affection", but these are all arbitrary and they change as time passes. A couple of years ago, I would have added "shares same political views" but now I'm with a guy who is extremely conservative, whereas I am very liberal. It only made things more interesting and it keeps things fresh between us (Think Dharma and Greg).

If we force the person we are with to absorb the 10 attributes that are important to us, I think it is only fair for us ladies to do the same.

I don't know what is going to change a year or 5 years from now so this is definately not set in stone.
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