"Oh snap."
"Shank" in place of other words, e.g. "Shank you very much."
Ya'll instead of y'all. It's a contraction.
The phrase "on tomorrow". WTF is that? You can't call someone "on tomorrow," ya dumbshite, you call them TOMORROW.
Overuse of "specifically" (or misuse of "pacifically"), "seriously" "like" and "um." Like our medical director who said "um" or "uh" a whopping grand total of 48 times in a two-minute voicemail. The record is 87 in the same length of time by our Chaplain. "I'm seriously, like, um, going to kick some ass in the meeting tomorrow if they don't talk right, specifically regarding the nurses. Seriously."
The one that really gets me for some stupid reason is a friend that constantly used "whenever" instead of "when". For example, she'd tell a story and it was "whenever I was going to the grocery store the other day..." No. It should be "When I was going to the..." She drives me crazy. The dang oompaloompa.
My grandparents and that side of the family used to say "
Good Niiiight!" when something surprised them or was unexpected. Instead of taking the lord's name in vain. It took me forever to figure that out as a kid, I always thought the were celebrating.