From my very first post on the subject of global warming and its cause, I have been undecided and stated that I was beginning the process of looking into the issue in greater detail.
And of course this, if anything, is evidence supporting my comments. You make my point for me. Thank you.
In my experience, most global warming denialists are “undecided”. Instead of accepting the overwhelming scientific consensus, they prefer to be “undecided”. Many of them are also “undecided” about the connection between cigarette smoking and cancer, and many of them are also “undecided” about whether evolution occurs. Most of them, like you, have little interest in the science. So you’re in very good company.
Given my initial ignorance I have been using this forum as a sound board and to find direction on information and sources I was not aware of.
And despite getting links to the best science on the subject, you preferred to get your information from hacks like John McCaslin and Michael Asher. If you’re not learning anything, I’m afraid you need only look in the mirror to find the reason.
Simply the very act of asking questions on this subject I was immediately confronted with venomous attacks on my intelligence, character, and motives from those who believe the "question is settled".
That ought to tell you something. Have you considered that your actions themselves might be to blame for that response? If you can’t stand the heat, then perhaps you should find a more air-conditioned locale to enjoy the literary merits of the editorials in Investor’s Business Daily.
If proven wrong will you revisit this statement or pretend that you never made it?
If you ever decide to accept the scientific consensus on global warming, PM me, and I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong, and congratulate you on coming to your senses.
My prediction: it’ll never happen.
My question - Is Hanson wrong? It is true I have not figured it out. Have you?
Sure I have. He was right that the world wasn’t entering an ice age in the 70s. He was right that the years 1998 and 1934 were a statistical tie in the U.S. He was and is right that to prevent dangerous warming in the future we need to act soon (i.e. in the next 10 years or so). And in every case you were wrong about what you breathlessly claimed he said:
Your statement that Hansen claimed that 1998 was the hottest year on record in the U.S. – wrong. Your statement that he believed that the world was heading into an ice age in 1971 – wrong. Your statement that he thinks the world will experience a cataclysm 9 years from now – wrong.
For someone who is only asking innocent questions about Hansen, you seem to be making a lot of false and incriminating accusations about him. I wonder why?