Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
I'm naked right now
And no doubt will be again:
Born that way, you know!
I taught the children
That our bodies are ourselves;
We make our own paths.
Answering the door
In the state nature gave us
Scares off the riff-raff.
Is sillier than
Hee. I do love you. I want to cross-stitch the last two and hang it by the door. Maybe embroider some little naked people. Prancing.
Ratbastid has informed me that I have misinformed this group when I said I don't prance. Apparently I prance a lot... I just don't think of it that way. Usually it's the late-night cruise through his office to get something I left downstairs, and the accompanying "hey, I'm bouncy!" jiggle with which I was blessed.