Originally Posted by Halx
I think that if having sex with a child was accepted in society, then the act of doing it would not be surrounded with secrecy, deception and shame. In turn, the result would not be damaging, like it is frequently portrayed to be. Sex would just mean a lot different things to us.
this is kind of what I was getting at. Theres no magic transition at 16/17/18 or whatever your state laws are that make sex an inherently different function of humanity. really,what this topic is about is social perception and reaction.
I dunno for some reason there has always been a distinction between molestation, rape, and then just plain sex.
it's funny to me because you know it seems the kneejerk reaction to hearing "child" before the word porn is to assume that the older person took advantage of the child against their will. I've never been one to make assumptions though.
I guess I gain a unique perspective on this because i've been interested in sex since the moment I was 12 years old. I don't think I would have felt like the law would need to step in and take punitive measures if I wanted to "mature" a little early and find out what the big fuss was.
now I hope to extract myself from this thread without people having it in thier head that "damn, that shauk dude is fuuuuucked up" because I assure you, i'm not. I just don't have kneejerk reactions to everything that modern society tells me that I should. I'm just not that programmable I guess. While this topic applies to sex/porn my philosophy applies to many more aspects than that. I guess the whole "rule of thumb" lifestyle isn't for me.
oh and after rereading the thread I guess I should re-iterate I'm of the "no grass on the field" playstyle is pretty messed up.
although I like my women mostly shaved
kinda funny cuz the other day I came in from a delivery and the 1st thing my co-worker asks was "was she hot?"
and she was actually, but then I went on to add that she was a bit young
"what, like 11?"
"hahaha no, god I hope not, I'd feel kinda weird if she was"
which actually turned into a discussion about how it's so hard to tell anymore, I've been caught off guard by a girl who was hitting on me and then when I found out she was 14 I was just like "oh, shit" cuz she looked like she was about 20 or so.
I guess my line in that situation would have been "i would have done it but I didn't want to get in trouble" because I mean, thats just a huge can of worms to get labeled as a sexual offender for the rest of your life, jail time, and worse.